Home, sweat home!
When they come to their houses after a long time, most people say 'Home, sweat home!' . Our home is special, but what makes the home so special? Maybe our rooms or some people?
We make our home special, not the rooms or people. What makes our home more beautiful are the people you live with.
My historical village...
Ogulins location (picture credit) |
I live in Zagorje near Ogulin. Ogulin is in Karlovac County. It is located halfway between Zagreb and Rijeka. It is ten minutes far away from Zagorje. Zagorje is a small, historical village. Most people don't have cows or similar, but some people have there chickens or house pets or some another animal.
Zagorje is in the valley below the Modruš hill. There is a popular legend about Modruš. In the 15th ct. when the Turks invaded Croatia, they came near Modruš and asked some old lady where the Modruš fort was. The old lady gave them a wrong answer and so she saved Modruš.
Modruš before (picture credit) |
Modruš now (picture credit) |
There is one church in Zagorje called St. Juraj beacuse St. Juraj is patron saint of Zagorje. There is also a legend about Juraj. Once upon a time a dangerous dragon ruled in Zagorje. The people gave him animals for food and one day people no longer had animals for him. The dragon wanted a princess for food. The princess went to dragon and when he wanted to eat her, Juraj appeared and killed the dragon. He saved the princess and everybody lived happily ever after.
Seint Juraj and the dragon (picture credit) |
There is also Šmitovo lake and it got its name from the froger Šmit. His hourses ran too fast and fell into the lake and drowned. This is how the lake got its name.
Šmitovo lake (picture credit) |
There aren't shops, cinemas or simillary, but there are a lot of activities around. I'm a member of Folklore Society ''St. Juraj Zagorje Ogulinsko''. I play traditional instrument Prim. Zagorje has an association of firefighters and hunters, who care about wild animals.
Players in KUD ''Sv. Juraj Zagorje'' (picture credit) |
Zagorje is near lake Sabljaci. Some poeple say that lake Sabljaci is our sea. During the summer we all go to the lake.
Jezero Sbaljaci (picture credit) |
In December, when the Santa comes, there is a small gathering in the village. Sanat comes after Sunday Mass with his reindeers (really hourses). Of course with presents and then the litlle children get a present. Some children are afraid of Santa, but some children drag his beard.
Santa with his ''reindeers'' (picture credit) |
A little place
Zagorje is a small place, but there is so much going on. I like traveling and I like my home. When I go somewhere, I like to be there, but home is home and nothing else.